Videos On Demand

I am very excited to announce the launch of my Videos On Demand.

I have been carefully curating video content and the first series, titled “Back to Basics,” is now available to buy.

This series is for anyone who wants a better understanding of their own body and how to move more mindfully into better alignment to improve their overall posture, in order to move more freely.

This 7 video series will cover a combination of strengthening and mobilising movements to help create a deeper body awareness which empowers you to be able to correct your own posture through conscious movements.

The movements are intentionally slow, as I believe in slowing down in order to feel more deeply. Understand what you are moving and how to move better. Understand what you are feeling and how it effects your everyday. Be patient, be present and be within.

I hope you enjoy this series and learn something new about your body and how you move more efficiently.

You can watch the demo video below. When you’re ready to buy the video series, you can click Buy Product below and go through the order process. Once the payment has been received we will then give you your login details to access the videos on this website.

Please do watch this space, as I will be creating additional video series on an on-going basis. You can hit subscribe further below to be notified of new releases.